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De här 6 artisterna gör spelningar – hemma i ditt vardagsrum


Stora artister som John Legend och Shawn Mendes använder musiken för att få sina följare att tänka på annat i dessa jobbiga tider, samtidigt som de stöttar välgörenhet som Global Citizen. Spana in deras gigs när de är självisolerade här!


Foto: Instagram @camila_cabello / @shawnmendes

1. John Legend


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Social distancing is important, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. I did a little at-home performance to help lift your spirits. @Miguel, @CharliePuth – you want next? Learn more about how you can take action to help slow the spread of coronavirus with our partners at @WHO and @GlblCtzn #TogetherAtHome

Ett inlägg delat av John Legend (@johnlegend)

2. Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello


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You’ll be needing stitches after watching @ShawnMendes and @camila_cabello perform #TogetherAtHome ? Now’s your chance to step up for global health by taking action against #COVID19 ?

Ett inlägg delat av Global Citizen (@glblctzn)

3. Niall Horan


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@NiallHoran lifted our spirits and showed us that we can all get through this global health crisis #TogetherAtHome. Take action to stop the spread of #COVID19 at

Ett inlägg delat av Global Citizen (@glblctzn)

4. Hozier


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A rule of thumb while practicing social distancing: Keep an Andrew @Hozier length away from others. Watch Hozier’s beautiful #TogetherAtHome performance and take action to combat the spread of #COVID19 ?

Ett inlägg delat av Global Citizen (@glblctzn)

5. Pink


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To make you feel my love ? rehearsals

Ett inlägg delat av P!NK (@pink)

6. Coldplay


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Chris played a mini gig at home earlier today on IG Live. @glblctzn @WHO @JohnLegend #TogetherAtHome

Ett inlägg delat av Coldplay?☀️ (@coldplay)

Källa: Harpers Bazaar

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