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Protester mot abortlagen är i full gång – USA:s gator fylls med demonstranter


Den nya abortlagen i Alabama som uppmärksammats de senaste veckorna har upprört människor över hela världen. Nu demonstrerar människor runt om i USA mot de nya bestämmelserna.

Foto: Instagram @liberaljane / TT 


Den senaste tiden har Alabamas åtstramade abortlag uppmärksammats runt om i världen. Delstatens guvernör har undertecknat lagen med 25 ja mot 6 nej. Detta innebär nu att varken våldtäkt eller incest undantas i lagen, vilket gör att de enda aborter som kommer att tillåtas är om moderns hälsa är i fara, vid utomkvedshavandeskap eller om det är något dödligt fel på fostret.

Men det är inte bara i Alabama som abortlagen blivit allt strängare, utan också i andra delar av USA. Detta har upprört en hel värld och framför allt stora delar av den amerikanska befolkningen, inte minst kvinnorna. Idag planeras demonstrationer runt om i USA för att uppmärksamma den nya vågen av extrema abortlagar. Klockan 12.00 lokal tid kommer människor demonstrera på statshus, torg och tingshus runt om i landet. Du kan följa dagens demonstrationer med hashtaggen #StopTheBans.


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❤️ Image quote from @abortion_embroidery! ? Abortion is still legal in the United States, but legality isn’t accessibility. ✨ Increasingly, more women and people are managing their abortions on their own without a doctor. There are a variety of reasons someone may choose to do so, including not being able to access in-clinic abortion care, cost, fear of safety or need for privacy. ✨ • • ✨ As we move closer to a post-Roe future, now is the time to educate yourself and your community about self-managed abortion with pills ? . The number of people turning to self-managed abortion is increasing, ? and knowledge about abortion can be empowering! ? ? • • ?Here’s what you need to know: -It’s MEDICALLY safe and effective to take the abortion pills ?(misoprostol and/or misoprostol+mifepristone) to end a pregnancy in the first 12 weeks without a clinic or doctor supervision. ✨ -It’s LEGALLY risky ⚖️ – at least 20 people have been arrested for self-managing their care. ✨ • • ? Here are some resources to explore & learn more (and accounts to follow!) • ✨Step by step instructions and information about self-managed abortion with pills is available from @reproaction, the World Health Organization (YUP), and @aidaccess. • ✨@plancpills has a report card of online abortion pill retailers! • ✨If someone needs help or has questions about how to use the abortion pills, they can contact @womenhelporg ? • ✨If someone has questions about their rights, they can call ☎️ @ifwhenhow ‘s hotline at • ✨If someone needs judgement free advice (or just needs an ear to listen!) they can call @alloptionsnatl at 1-888-493-0092 ☎️ • (Huge thanks to @stephherold for gathering these resources!!) • ✨ Before you @ me, I wouldn’t be sharing if I didn’t think it was necessary. This is community harm reduction. In the meantime, continue fighting like hell – contribute to your local @abortionfund ? and get involved locally! ✊️ • • ? #feminist #feminism #art #feministart #reproductiverights #illustration #abortionrights #reproductivejustice #fashion #queerart #feministartist #Abortion #abortionrights #stopthebans #reproductivejustice #selfmanagedabortion

Ett inlägg delat av Caitlin Blunnie (@liberaljane)

 Foto: @liberaljane


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