
De vackraste blonda hårfärgerna just nu

Askblont, balayage eller platina? Det finns mängder av snygga blonda nyanser att välja mellan, så spana in våra favoriter innan du bokar in nästa besök hos frisören!

Foto: Instagram @bleachlondon/@jesshunt2

Blont hår kommer i massor av olika former och nyanser – väljer du highlights, balayage, honungsfärgat eller isigt vitt? Här nedan hittar du massor av inspiration för dig som vill möta det nya året som blondin.

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Foto: Instagram @bellahadid

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Ashy ends
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Ashy ends

Foto: Instagram @edenfines

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Milky-Blonde Curls
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Milky-Blonde Curls

Foto: Instagram @rubyefia_

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Foto: Instagram @stellamaxwell

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Foto: Instagram @nicolekahlani

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Foto: Instagram @bleachlondon

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Foto: @matildadjerf

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Creamy Platinum
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Creamy Platinum

Foto: Instagram @bleachlondon

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Ice-White Blonde
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Ice-White Blonde

Foto: Instagram @vanessahong

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Creamy Blonde
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Creamy Blonde

Foto: Instagram @asos_faceandbody

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Foto: Instagram @ciara

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Touch of gold
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Touch of gold

Foto: Instagram @bleachlondon

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Natural Ash Blonde
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Natural Ash Blonde

Foto: Instagram @jesshunt2

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Beige Blonde
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Beige Blonde

Foto: Instagram @mollymae

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Platinum Balayage
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Platinum Balayage

Foto: Instagram @ samanthacusicklondon

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Peachy Gold
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Peachy Gold

Foto: Instagram @shelleygregoryhair

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Copper-Caramel Balayage
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Copper-Caramel Balayage

Foto: Instagram @laurennicolefk

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Sandy-Blonde Spirals
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Sandy-Blonde Spirals

Foto: Instagram @bleachlondon

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Butter blonde
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Butter blonde

Foto: Instagram @bleachlondon

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Ash Blonde
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Ash Blonde

Foto: Instagram @bluetitlondon

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Pale-gold lengths
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Pale-gold lengths

Foto: Instagram @hairishair

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Bronde Babylights
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Bronde Babylights

Foto: Instagram @jasmeannnn

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Champagne Ombre
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Champagne Ombre

Foto: Instagram @beauty_worksonline

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Metro Mode Club

metro mode rekommenderar

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