Den nya hashtaggen #this_is_postpartum, där nyblivna mammor visar upp sin kropp efter graviditeten, har fått allt större uppmärksamhet i sociala medier. Nu visar de upp den sanna bilden av verkligheten – och det är så fint!
Foto: Instagram/ @meg.boggs & @thisbyrdsnest
Det var för några månader sedan som kroppsaktivisten och bloggaren Meghan Boggs bestämde sig för att lägga ut en bild med hashtaggen #this_is_postpartum och har sedan dess fortsatt ge en ärlig och sann bild av livet efter förlossningen. Med hashtaggen vill hon visa att alla kroppar ser olika ut. “Jag har alltid känt att plus-size-mödrar aldrig får vara en del av de här samtalen. Många mödrar känner inte, precis som jag, att de är bekväma nog att dela med sig av sin resa”, säger hon till sajten Babble .
Meghan Boss berättar att hon kände sig ensam i det hon delade med sig av på sociala medier och på Instagram skriver hon: ”Även om jag visste att det skulle komma kritik var det viktigt för mig, och för andra, att dela min berättelse. Och att dela bilder och prata om det här. För att det här är livet efter förlossningen”.
Nedan kan du se några bilder där mammor står upp för sin kropp med – så bra!
Visa det här inlägget på Instagram
#this_is_postpartum . A few months ago, I posted a postpartum photo similar to this for the very first time. It was the most terrifying thing for me, and it definitely had backlash. I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin, even though I had online strangers telling me to stop blaming being fat on postpartum. I just wanted to be the person that I needed to see while at my lowest of lows as I entered the postpartum reality. And the truth is, I felt very alone in what I was sharing as a plus size mother. I quickly realized why moms like me weren’t sharing about this topic openly on social media. So even though I knew there would be criticism, I knew it was important for me, and for others like me, to share my story. And to post the photos and talk about this. Because this is postpartum. . Towards the beginning of the summer, I started thinking about reaching out to other mothers and asking them to share with me. Asking mothers of every size and shape to stand up with me and to show that not all of our experiences are the same. We aren’t doing this alone. And today, those strong mothers are standing up. We are sharing our stories. Some of us for the very first time and some of us for the hundredth time. But every time is meaningful. Our journey is meaningful. Every part of our postpartum experience is normal and we all fall on to some part of its wide spectrum. So today, and from now on, let’s share. Let’s stand up. Let’s embrace our postpartum bodies together. Whether you’re plus size, full of loose skin, stretch marked up or scarred. All of it is postpartum. All of it counts. All of it means something. Because all of it is part of you. And you, mama, are worthy. . For the entire project, find the link in my bio and in my stories to the video for This Is Postpartum. Use the hashtag #this_is_postpartum and share your story. Be a part of the project and join the mission to help change the narrative of postpartum bodies. #esto_es_posparto . This is postpartum, and so is this (swipe to continue the loop) ?? @thefortintrio. . Tee: @themomculture
Ett inlägg delat av Meghan ? (@meg.boggs) 7 Sep 2018 kl. 8:00 PDT
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• #this_is_postpartum . 5 years. 6 babies. 97+ hours of labors. 1 Land Birth. 2 Waterbirths. 1 Scheduled Cesarean Section • This is ME, currently 3 months Postpartum, not 5 months pregnant… Everyday reminding myself of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me… everyday reminding myself that I’ve made so much progress from where I was May 22nd. You see, after my cesarean section, the nurses asked me to stand and I couldn’t. I will NEVER forget the look on their faces. Three times they asked, three times I tried, three times I gave it my all… with a shaking of my head “No” I could not stand. I could not breathe. I could not talk. & Each time they sat me back down. I was defeated. I wanted to so badly recover. My quiver was full and yet I couldn’t physically care for it. If I’ve never learned anything in three months I’ve learned to have GRACE… for myself and my body! I’ve learned to embrace this fragile phase for what it is despite how it’s often depicted. It hasn’t been easy and I still battle with limitations of diastasis recti and my physical appearance, but I’m so fulfilled knowing that I embraced the past few months with prayer + patience, while the intimacy of my support system has grown immensely! — As Mothers, we’re way too hard on ourselves, we want our bodies to appear as they did before and we too often forget what we’ve done, how far we’ve come and all that we’ve accomplished. Stand, look at your reflection and give yourself GRACE! — thank you @meg.boggs for including me in this beautiful movement!
Ett inlägg delat av kaché byrd (@thisbyrdsnest) 10 Sep 2018 kl. 11:14 PDT
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This morning, I cried as I was changing + looking at myself in the mirror. Since I woke up today, I was just off and feeling some sort of way. But it was like looking at my reflection + seeing this body I barely know was the cherry on top of my bad day. I’ve gained almost 50 pounds in 1.5 years. Between trying to get pregnant + fertility treatments + being pregnant, my body has been through so much. But all day, I kept thinking about the #this_is_postpartum movement I saw on my friend Bethanie’s @thegarciadiaries page. Scrolling through the hashtag feed, I felt empowered to take pride in my body. And even though I feel so vulnerable for putting this out there, I am PROUD of this body that grew a perfect little human being. I don’t know if or when these stretch marks will go away. I don’t know when I’ll be 50 pounds lighter. I don’t know if anyone notices my double chin as much as I do. But I do know there are women who don’t bounce back to slim bellies after pregnancy + cry when they look in the mirror like I did today. I’m trying to be kinder to myself, but it’s so dang hard. I say that I’m giving myself grace and that I’m okay in this body, but most days I’m really not. I’m thankful for a husband that is there for me during my dark days + reminds me WHY my body looks the way it does. Because of Layla. And l wouldn’t trade that old body for this baby girl any damn day. So, fellow mama, hating on her postpartum body, I encourage you to rock your mom-bod + love yourself. Or try to, just like I am. ?
Ett inlägg delat av sarah melito (@thebelmontranchblog) 13 Sep 2018 kl. 2:43 PDT
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